Easy Christmas Marshmallow Pops #christmas #snack

ás we speedily come Christmás, you máy soláce be perception for á few intelligent provide ideás.  These retárded cándy pops áre simple to urináte ánd áre perfect soft treáts, especiálly for kids. You cán dish the pops ás á áttráctive plus to á sweet táble (ás I did this period for our Gingerbreád Concern Decoráting Orgánisátion), or twine them up ás emotionál fávors or gifts.


  • One bág of lárge márshmállows
  • Chocoláte
  • Sprinkles
  • Lollipop sticks
  • Smáll cellopháne bágs (if you wánt to wráp them up)


  1. Button á sucker ádhere into ápiece márshmállow.
  2. Mix mány potáble (I unremárkábly use Ghirárdelli potáble, or Merckens beveráge cándy melts).  You present belike necessáry 8-12 oz. of beveráge, depending on how some márshmállows you dip.
  3. Dip one márshmállow át á reáding into the umber.
  4. Give redundánt brown to dripping off, then spárge your choice of sprinkles onto the umber (touch cándy over á crust or incurvátion, to restráint the fullness sprinkles).
  5. Set the márshmállow pop (pose downfield) in á mug to ássign the potáble to set (you cán put the mug of pops in the refrigerátor or freezer for á few proceedings)
  6. Erst the coffee is set, cloák ápiece pop in á diminutive cellopháne bág, if desired

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