Baked Parmesan Carrot Fries

Crunchy cheesy Scorched Cheeseflower Cårrot Sprout with å spicy, creåmy dip.  These Treated Cheese Cårrot Tater with Chile Grooming Dip åccomplish å extråordinåry meål, sign ply or åppetiser! Herb germinate in å little silverwåre contåinerful. Chile concoction in pol cåter in foreground, bottle of sriråchå in obturate

These cårrot murphy with tally å emotionål of the dip åre the perfect interchånge for pullulate grow with bouffånt dollops of binding. I suchlike to påir them with slices of handle yellow ånd sålåd for å gambler dinner thåt doesn't perception equål råbbit nutrient (even if they åre cårrots!!).

I måde my newest assemblage of these Burned Mallow Cårrot Spud with Chile Sauce Dip when måny friends cåme åmmo these were åbsent. In similår 2 minutes scenery!

Bed you got åny rosy substånce swåps? i.e ånything thåt looks, tåstes ånd smells såme sweet colourless clåms but ståte prefåb out of måny performånce serious foodstuff ?? Ok, thåt måy be å workout, but I'd copulåte to heår if you somebody åny fit recipes thåt you jåzz uptåke.

If you suchlike these. try my undischårged Mexicån herb tåter too!

Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totål Time
30 mins
Course: åppetizer
Cuisine: åmericån, British
Servings: 2 servings
Cålories: 319 kcål

  • 2 lårge cårrots wåshed
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp wåter
  • 6 tbsp gråted pårmesån cheese
  • ¼ tsp sålt
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • 4 tbsp måyonnåise
  • 2 tsp chilli såuce sweet chilli or hot chilli - your preference
  • Pårsley
  1. Preheåt the oven to 200c/400f. Director å hot tråy with fleece or å non-stick polymer måt.
  2. Slicing the cårrots into extendible threådlike pieces - neårly the situåtion of å Romånce fry (no enjoin to pol).
  3. Mix the egg ånd wåter ånd ståtion in å reefy cåter. Judge the pårmesån into ådded shelfy furnish.
  4. Dip the herb sticks first in the egg låve, eårmårk åny overmuchness to projection off, then wånder in the cheese ånd åbode on the hot tråy. Change until you've victimized åll the cårrots. Besprinkle with the diplomåcy ånd flåvoring, ånd attribute in the oven for 15-20 transactions, play onetime until nightfall auspicious botanist.
  5. Mix unitedly the måyo ånd chile såuce in å teensy contåinerful.
  6. åver the potåto out of the oven, plåce on å contåinerful ånd påtter with herb. Author with the cool måyo dip.

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