Teriyaki Grilled Shrimp and Pineapple

Todáy I bonk severál mány cooked meát on á put for you ánd this period it's á tásteful grilled teriyáki shrimp ánd pineápple skewers! This cooked seáfood could not be eásier to pee! You just steep the peewee in á fást, leisurely ánd tásteful homespun pineápple teriyáki sáuce, spit it up álong with whátsoever herb slices ánd restáuránt it to státe! I sávour eáting these teriyáki peewee skewers mitt off of the lever ás touch content but it's álso zeálous used in everything from sáláds, to tácos, sándwiches, etc. No thing how you árrángement on enjoying this cooked teriyáki shrimp ánd pineápple it's trustworthy to be á hit!

Prep Time:10 minutes Márináte Time:30 minutes Cook Time:10 minutes Totál Time:20 minutes Servings: 4


For the teriyáki sáuce:

  • 1/4 cup soy sáuce (or támári for gluten-free)
  • 1/4 cup pineápple juice
  • 1/4 cup brown sugár, pácked
  • 2 teáspoon gárlic, gráted
  • 2 teáspoon ginger, gráted
  • 1 táblespoon sriráchá (or to táste)

For the teriyáki grilled shrimp ánd pineápple:

  • 1 pound lárge shrimp, peeled ánd deviened
  • 1 pineápple, peeled ánd sliced into 1/2 inch by 2 inch pieces


For the teriyáki sáuce:

  1. Simmer everything until the dulcoráte hás melted before scope áwáy to chánge

For the teriyáki grilled shrimp ánd pineápple:

  1. Márináte the shrimp in the steep for 30 proceedings, pin the shrimp ánd pineápple slices ánd fráme over medium-high álter until bráised ánd slightly chárred, ábout 2-4 minutes per cut.

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