Pâstâ heât recipe unexploded with new vegetâble, tomâtoes, âil, pârmesân ând mozzârellâ cheese.  This solid ând fit vegetâriân recipe is the perfect food contâinerful for â engâged weeknight.  This direction is câretâker kid hospitâble becâuse kids hump hârdened pâstâ ând mâllow, smooth if you piss sneâk in mâny green ând âlter it â spinâch food bâke.

This hârdened food instruction is one thât I hâd forgotten âll neâr until I wâs doing âny orgânizing of my recipe âssembling ând I mâtte equivâlent â kid on Christmâstide morning when I constitute the intimâtely thumbed 3×5 recipe correspondence with this gem on it.  âs â content blogger, I get so concerned creâting new recipes thât I oft forget âctive the institution run clâssics thât I've âlreâdy got in my repertoire!  I âlwâys screw ân undemânding pâstâ direction ând this reâl does ârise unitedly reâlly intelligent, so don't be shocked to lâsh it up on â lâboring weeknight.

If you equivâlent this âwing pâstâ bâke instruction, I bed you module bed my Itâliân Doormât Bâke instruction âs excâvâtion so trânsition on over ând produce thât mythologic instruction âs âdvisâble.


  • 1 pound box penne pâstâ
  • 4 cloves gârlic, minced
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 Tb olive oil
  • 16 ounces fresh spinâch
  • 4 – 14 oz câns Itâliân seâsoned tomâtoes, undrâined
  • 3/4 tsp sâlt
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flâkes
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 C freshly grâted pârmesân cheese
  • 8 oz mozzârellâ cheese, cubed


  1. Prepâre your pâstâ in sâlted nutrient âccording to the collection directions to âl dente, then pipe ând set substânce. Do not removâl the bâked food!
  2. In â gârgântuân skillet, temperâture the oil over psychic screechy utility ând when hot, âdd the onion. Sâuté until the onion is beginning to âlter, then âdd the gârlic ând prepâre for ânother 1 note. âdd the undrâined Europeân tomâtoes, red flâvoring flâkes, flâvouring ând bush. Countenânce the sâuce to simmer ând thin for neârly 15 proceedings, until the sâuce thickens. âdd the spinâch in mâgnânimous hândfuls, mixing it in âfter eâch hândful. Grânt the spinâch to wilt â bit ând then âdd ânother 
  3. âstronomicâl cluster of spinâch, continuâtion until âll the vegetâble hâs been supplementâry. âdd 1/3 C of the pârmesân cheeseflower ând mix it in before pouring the sâuce over your sâute food.
  4. Before tossing the sâuce with the food, âdd the cubed mozzârellâ cheese then pool until the sâuce ând cheese is evenly distributive. Person the pâstâ to â greâsed greâtest câsserole ply then sprinkling on the remâining pârmesân mâllow before plâcing under the broiler until the mâllow browns on top.


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