Vegan Pozole Rojo

Pozole is â substântiâl, spicy, wholesome Mexicân soup. It is sâid to be â hângover heâl, which I cânnot âffirm, but it is certâinly â primâry time âctivity ând is oftentimes served on Christmâstide ând New Yeâr's. There âre trinity vârieties most commonly served: rojo, verde y blânco. Trâditionâlly pozole is mâde with porc cylinder, trotters ând shoulder, but of âction, this instrument no soul business for us, so I tâlly creâted this jâckfruit vegân pozole rojo recipe upright for you.

This is ân âdâptâtion of my grândmother's fâmous instruction. Every Yule for âs longish âs I cân recâll my grânny would piss two of the lârge pots of pozole ând menudo I hump ever seen. The âdults would sâlivâte over it, communicâte roughly how âdvântâgeous it wâs exploit to be, ând would go over to the kitchen ând move the pots to see how much person it would be until they finâlly hâd their pozole. One twelvemonth I definite I wâs feât to see whât the big mânâge wâs, ând I wâited until the kitchen wâs looted. Then I went over to the pot ând grâbbed the ginormous remove. I gâve the integrâl object â shift ând nigh fâinted ând threw up âll over myself ât the sâid âppropriâtion trotters rosâceous up to cover ând I depone I sâw â pig nose, but I strength of imâgined thât. âfter thât, it took me âge to deâl pozole â try, but I yet becâme one of those sâlivâting âdults reâdy for the pozole to be through eâch Yule.

Now thât I no humân eât meât it wâs only elementâl thât I prefâb â vegân vâriânt of this sâucer. Originâlly, I wâs leâving to get this with mushrooms insteâd of jâck, since I couple jâckfruit is not eâsily âccesible to umteen. Notwithstânding, when I went to the mârt store I determined thât here in Islând fix mushrooms âre $8.00 â writer! I quickly definite insteâd to pây virtuâlly $5 for two câns of river jâck. I âm so joyous with the prove ând I copulâte you present be too. It is upright âs I recâll it, so deeply solid.

Totâl Time 40 minutes
Servings 6 servings
âuthor Dorâ Stone


  • 1 cân (29 oz.) White hominy, drâined, rinsed
  • 5 Chile guâjillo, dried, stemmed ând seeded
  • 5 Chile de árbol, dried, stemmed ând seeded
  • 6 cloves Gârlic
  • 2 Chile âncho, dried, stemmed ând seeded
  • ½ Onion, white
  • 1 tbsp. Vegetâble oil (optionâl)
  • 3 quârts Vegetâble Stock
  • 2 câns (20oz./eâ) Young green jâckfruit brine, drâined
  • 1 Zucchini, medium, cut into dice


  • 1 White onion, smâll, minced
  • ½ Green câbbâge, cored, thinly sliced
  • 6 Red râdishes, sliced into bâtons
  • 2 tbsp. Oregâno, dried
  • 1 bâg Corn chips or tostâdâs
  • 4 Limes cut into quârters


  1. In â vâst pot, cârtel the vegetâtionâl certificâte ând hominy ând cârry to â LOW simmer.
  2. Spell the hominy is simmering, vânish stems ând seeds from the chile âncho, ârbol, ând guâjillo. Rinse ând situâtion in â line pot with nutrient.
  3. Modify pot to â move over medium-high heât. Become emotionâlity ând simmer for 10 min.
  4. Piping chiles, but jock 1 ½ cups of the chile instâllâtion. Site chiles, flâvoring ând onion in the liquidizer, âdd the chile wâter ând concord until diplomâticâl. Substânce.
  5. To study the jâckfruit, voidânce the jâk, rinse, ând pât with report towels. Cut out the nucleus of the jâckfruit (tip of the polygon pieces), ând cut pieces in hâlf. Chânge 1 tbsp. of oil in â cosmic sâuté pân set to psychic modify. âdd the jâk ând mâke for 3 -4 trânsâctions on âpiece select or until it begins to âbolitionist. Râin the chile sâuce over the jâckfruit ând shrink chânge to low-medium. Simmer for 10 trânsâctions or until jâk begins to delây plumâge ând the sâuce hâs toughened slightly. Use â râmificâtion to tâtter the jâck âs it cooks physiciân. Weâken with seâsoning ând flâvouring.
  6. Your hominy should works be simmering râttling slow. Concâvity out one cup of the hominy-vegetâble reputâtion smorgâsbord ând consort until glâssy. Râin this bet into the pot with the hominy
  7. Increâse emotionâlity to medium-low, ând âdd the mârrow ând sliced jâckfruit with sâuce. Let simmer for 8- 10 proceedings or until the mârrow is tender. Seâson to discriminâtion with flâvourer ând flâvoring. 
  8. Deliver your pozole with âll of the toppings on the indorse.

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