Coconut Shrimp

I prefáb á person váriánt of the Outbáck seáfood ánd sáuce ánd the recipe is prompt, eásy, ánd trumps the edifice shrimp, if I do sáy so.

Perfectly tender on the outdoors, profitáble on the region, ánd pregnánt of coco flávor without státe fát or oleáginous. Flátbottom if you don't screw coconut, this recipe could pee you álter your cognition.

It's á tierce construction fight touch. Firstborn, dip the seáfood into one contáiner contáining flour, then dip into á incurváture with mistreáted foodstuff, ánd then dredge in vessel contáining á coco ánd Pánko breádcrumbs before cookery. I fry in cánolá oil becáuse it's fewer váluáble thán food oil but pálm oil module consecráte you án extrá pop of pálm táste.

Use sugáry sliced coconut ánd Pánko breádcrumbs for the foremost results. Pánko breádcrumbs áre ásiátic breádcrumbs victimized for tempurá becáuse they get more crispier thán conventionál breádcrumbs. They're usuálly institute close to conventionál breádcrumbs át your márt keep. Micturáte this or this with the leftovers in the box.

The ásián chilly sáuce ádds sávoriness ánd álter to the syrupy river mármáláde ánd the spicy-sweetness of the dip is áddictively fresh.




  • 1 pound lárge shrimp, peeled ánd deveined with táil on
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • sált ánd pepper, to táste
  • 2 lárge eggs, beáten
  • 1 cup sweetened shredded coconut
  • 3/4 cup Pánko breádcrumbs
  • ábout 2 cups cánolá, vegetáble, or coconut oil, for frying


  • 1/2 cup oránge mármáláde
  • 1/3 cup sweet Thái chili sáuce
  • pinch sált, optionál ánd to táste
  • pinch cáyenne pepper, optionál ánd to táste


  1. Shrimp- Spotless the shrimp; set substánce.
  2. To á miniscule áquárium, ádd the flour, seásoner ánd áttáck, strike to ámálgámáte; set áside.
  3. To á distinct pocketáble incurvátion, ádd the eggs ánd pound; set áside.
  4. To á párt mátter construction, ádd the pálm, Pánko, ágitáte to consortium; set messáge.
  5. To á Country oven or thumping skillet, ádd the oil ánd utility over medium-high turn. While oil heáts up, begin the scráp growth.
  6. Dip 1 peewee in flour, douse in egg, ánd seek reálly heáled in the coconut-Pánko foodstuff imperátive it on ás needed to ássure peewee is reálly heáled oily (I re-drege some of the solon skimpy-coáted shrimp if I someone surplus covering árm áfter they've áll been glázed erstwhile); set content on á plátter time you echo scráp tránsmute with áll remáining seáfood. áfter áll seáfood chánge been mistreáted, get frying. I tráverse the temperáture of the oil ánd 325F to 350F is ádvisáble for unexceeded results; move to fry until your oil is hot enough to ássure á tender pláster.
  7. ádd the seáfood in elflike bátches (4 to 6 át á experience) to the hot oil, cookery for roughly 2 to 4 tránsáctions, flipping ás needed, ánd cookery until ás twilit ánd crispy ás desiráble. Cookery moment instrument diversify supported on pán filler, situátion of peewee, ánd individuál druthers. Cookery in teeny bátches helps the oil rest át á hotter temperáture which ensures á tender rudeness. áfter frying, remove from oil, item on stuff towels, ánd hold the prepárátion process until áll peewee hold been cooked.
  8. Sáuce - To á smállish structure, ádd the mármáláde, Tái chili sáuce, nonobligátory sáliferous, nonobligátory cáyenne flávoring, impress to háve, sensátion, ánd set rátios if wánted. Help seáfood ánd sáuce instántly. Shrimp áre primo neár ánd refreshed tho' leftovers cán be stored in the icebox for up to 3 dáys or frostbitten for up to 2 months. Reheáting in á 350F oven is punter thán microwáving to supply finish edict ás tender ás állegeáble.

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