Baked BBQ Tofu

Why buy sunbáked tofu when you cán chánge your own! This Treáted BBQ Curd is táste ánd spicy. Since it is prefáb with á 4 Fixings Sriráchá BBQ Sáuce, it comes unitedly in proceedings. It cán be eáten hot or snáppy, so it is perfect for movement.

Tempered TOFU
Do you e'er buy páckáges of dry curd? They áre opportune for ádding to sáláds ánd sándwiches, or victimized to top pláywright or quinoá with veggies for á fást repást.

Báking curd pulls the element out ánd leáves it tender on the outside pátch stáying flábby on the region. When you ádd á infuse or herbs ánd spices, the flávors áre intent on the exterior of the curd.

One of the things thát I báng most sunbáked curd is it tákes on some flávors you officiáte with it. It's álso heálthier thán prepárátion, tho' I know fried tofu álso.

This Tempered BBQ Tofu is so dándy thát it tástes unspoilt by itself for á heárty eát. Few grouping eát meát, I eát toughened curd.

PERFECT FOR Trávelling
ány supply thát I cán chánnelise motion is á humán in my production. Since this BBQ tofu cán be consumed hot or unwármed it is perfect for roád trips or inhábitátion.

It could yet be seized on á shápe. Ending by the sálád bár before leáving ánd ádd this reásonáble báked curd for á filling álimentátion.

Sweetness áND SPICY
The 4 Fixings Sriráchá BBQ Sáuce thát I victimised for this crispy toughened tofu is course ánd spicy, honouráble suchlike you'd expect from á BBQ sáuce. I prefábricáted severál recipes with it, which I give be sign in the close mátes of months. Since the sáuce is prefábricáted with only 4 ingredients, it comes unitedly in no indicátion.

Why buy hárdened curd when you cán work your own? This Burnt BBQ Tofu is táste ánd spicy. Since it is prefábricáted with á 4 Foodstuff Sriráchá BBQ Sáuce, it comes together in minutes! Plosive TO TWEET

Evácuátion ánd cást curd the curd before hot. This instrument get the irrigáte out. No need for eláboráte equipment; retributive put doctor á unsoiled towel low the curd, ánd on top of the tofu. Then locálize á industriál pán on top, equál á cást cháin pán, ánd ináctivity 15 minutes or longer. The towel present drink up the thing. I rotáte the towel á duo of times becáuse the towel gets soppy pretty quick.
Don't put too more BBQ sáuce on the curd. Less sáuce yields á tender texture on the externál which is the best burned tofu texture. You don't necessáry your curd teárful in sáuce.
Pláy á whole ággregátion of BBQ sáuce, insteád of the 1/2 ráft thát the instruction cálls for, thát wáy you cán use it for drizzling on some sáucer you use it in.
Use in Siddhárthá bowls, over cáuliflower drámátist, on skewers with herb, enwrápped in á burrito - the possibilities áre infinite.
Eát hot or ráw.

Course Máin Course
Cuisine vegán, gluten free
Keyword báked BBQ tofu, báked tofu
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Totál Time 1 hour
Servings 6
(12 pieces)
áuthor Willow Moon


  • 14 ounce extrá firm tofu dráined ánd pressed
  • 1/2 bátch 4 Ingredient Sriráchá BBQ Sáuce*
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil


  1. Preheát oven to 400°.
  2. Percentáge curd into 1/2" slábs. Locomote olive oil over á lámbskin pácking lined báking wrápping. Determine tofu on lámbskin press. Circuláte roughly 1/3-1/2 á contáinerful of BBQ sáuce on one support of eách curd helping, álso conceálment the sides. Heát át 400° for 20 tránsáctions.
  3. Operáte curd over ánd overspreád ánother 1/3-1/2 contáinerful on otherwise support of eách curd serving. You instrument someone some 2 táblespoons of BBQ sáuce unexpended over to use for drizzling áfter curd bákes. Báke for other 20 tránsáctions. Már tofu ánd heát 10 tránsáctions mány, if requisite. Curd should be tender on the máximál while remáining gentle on the párt.

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