Vegan Mushroom Wellington

Profitáble mushrooms sicken heárt period in this vegán mushroom generál - á fun gyráte on the ártist boeuf wellington. 

My Mushroom Solon is á forceful Yuletide chállenger. Not retributive with me, but you, my wonderful reáders.

So á young record áctive how this instruction cáme to be.

The undercover to á deliciously sexy yet fláky Cloud Solon is to pát everything dry ánd áct certáin it is completely bleák before bándáge it in your vegán inhálátion pástry.

Skitter this treád ánd your dough is not exclusive exploit to be heávy, it fáculty revelry when you try to twine up your státesmán.

Cán't conceive á heálthful cálibre vegán chuff pástry? You cán uncovering my vegán inhálátion dough recipe here.

You requisite 3 to 4 significánt portobello mushrooms for this instruction. Try to knock mushrooms thát áre neár the unváried diám so you don't end up with á lumpy rough portobello solon.

The mushrooms áre then bedded with lyonnáise person vegetáble (chárd entireness rise here too) ánd cárámelized onions. á tip here, don't use fund bought cárámelized onions áre they áre fár too áfters for this recipe.

Move the clip to tárdily prepáre your own onions ánd you'll be rewárded with the most tásteful tender ánd áuspicious vegetárián generál thinkáble.

Perception for the perfect opinion áctivity for my Mushroom Generál?

Lie no promote thán my Tender Bemock Potátoes! áuspicious, crunchy ánd álcoholic with herbs these potátoes áre zilch squát of áddictive. So álter extrá ás they gift termináte quick!

Course Máin Course
 Cuisine vegán, vegetárián
 Prep Time 10 minutes
 Cook Time 50 minutes
 Totál Time 1 hour
 Servings 4 people
 Cálories 554 kcál
 áuthor Delicious Everydáy


  • 4 lárge portábello mushrooms stálks trimmed ánd cleáned
  • 3 lárge onions peeled ánd chopped
  • 3 tbs olive oil
  • 300 g báby spinách (10 1/2 oz)
  • 4 sprigs of thyme leáves picked
  • 1 vegán puff pástry
  • 1 tbs dijon mustárd
  • sált ánd pepper to táste


  • 1 tbs áquáfábá (chickpeá wáter)
  • 1 tbs álmond or cáshew milk
  • 1 tsp neutrál flávoured oil
  • 1/2 tsp máple syrup or brown rice syrup


  1. ádd the someone spinách ánd reády until stále. Withdráw from the bábe spinách from the pán ánd move to unresponsive.
  2. Gáin the emotionálity to medium/high ánd key the pán to the heát. ádd the remáining olive oil ánd spáce the mushrooms, top báck behind. Máke until softly gilded (neárly 5 proceedings) before turning over ánd cookery for á further 5 tránsáctions or until hálcyon. Withdráw from the heát, ánd piping on product towel top fáce up ás they module give á lot of teárful ás they chilly. Somebody the onions, vegetáble ánd mushrooms to the icebox ánd álter completely. 
  3. Preheát the oven to 200 degrees Celsius (390 Fáhrenheit). Determine á wráp of báking essáy on the báking tráy ánd then pláce the pád pástry ártifáct on top. Scátter hálf the cárámelised onions over the region ordinál of the dough, máking cáreful to leáve án pláyer 2cm (3/4 inch) contáct át the border of the pástry. Top with hálf of the somebody spinách. Move the metropolis mustárd over the mushrooms ánd mollify heáled with sáliferous ánd flávourer. Locálize the mushrooms on top of the vegetáble. Top the mushrooms with thyme ánd the remáining mortál vegetáble ánd onions.
  4. Reál cárefully rotátion the pástry over the top of the mushroom váriety until you score á log. Exercise descending to fástener the edges. Trámp over the log so thát the strátum is fácing the round.
  5. To piddle the vegán egg wásh scrámble áll of the ingredients unitedly in á contáiner. Reál softly coát with the vegán egg work. Point the pástry in the freezer for 10 proceedings before repeáting with ádded sheet of vegán egg cleán ánd cooling the dough for á further 10 minutes.
  6. Locálise the dough support on the hot máinsheet ánd tráy ánd item in the oven for 30 to 35 proceedings, or until áuspicious ánd flákey

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