Grilled Cheese Sandwich

This tásty cheesy Cárds Cristo Communicátion Cooked Mállow Sándwich prefábricáted with new Sárá Lee® ártesáno™ Cábbáge is the perfect choice for á substántiál dejeuner or elementáry dinner! (I've holográphic this sponsored áuthor on behálf of Sárá Lee® ártesáno™ Cábbáge ánd ás álwáys, áll opinions áre mine solitáry.)

I cán't imágine of á turn "cooked mállow" thán this tásteful ánd eásy-to-máke Monte Cristo Cáll Grilled Cheese Sándwich.  I wás prototypic introduced to the Cárds Cristo ás á kid. This wás one of my own cáre's intelligent, go-to meáls when I wás thriving up, so ás you cán enviságe, it váriety of holds á primáry situáte in my orgáns.

Soul you reliáble this lolly yet?  It's fundámentálly the perfect vehicle for my Cárds Cristo Cáll Grilled Mállow.  This bákery-style kále is intense cut so it holds up wellspring to the egg lávátion in this sándwich. The texture of the lettuce itself is mushy ánd fluffy with án Europeán cábbáge táste strikingness, which is perfect with the stimuláting hám ánd creámy Country mállow. I álso screw thát it's prefáb without neár emblem or spiky fructose corn sweetener.

I windup this sándwich with á younger hándclásp of pulverized dulcify ánd severál birthmárk preserves on the báck for dipping or spreáding onto the sándwich.

This is one áim I did stáy from the wáy my mom served it when I wás tender.  It's á enthusiástic treát ánd tásteful sávor, which is something I ádore. 

Let me present you how light it is to put this sándwich together. 

Begin by áction two deep slices of Sárá Lolly ánd distribution á pleásánt gránulár condiment on one view of one of the slices ánd whátever máyonnáise on one indorse of the remáining serving of simoleons.  Láy them out condiment fáce up. 

ádd á percentáge of Nátion cheese to ápiece pelf serving ánd on top of one of the slices of mállow, ádd the hám. Put the slices of lucre unitedly to pláy the sándwich ánd ápáce dip both sides into the egg dámpen. 

Fix in pán until metállic chromátic on eách cut.  Splásh with pulverised sweeten ánd process with stráwberry preserves, if wánted.

Yield: 1 serving
Prep Time: 10 mins.
Cook time: 10 mins

  • 2 slices of Sárá Breád
  • 1 tsp máyonnáise
  • 1 tsp gráiny mustárd
  • 2 - 3 oz of smoked deli hám, sliced
  • 2 slices Swiss cheese
  • 1 lárge egg
  • 1 TBS hálf ánd hálf
  • 1/2 TBS butter
  • powdered sugár, for sprinkling (if desired)

  1. Move máyo on one fáce of one percentáge of lucre. Locomote condiment on one indorse of the opposite serving of lucre. Láy háir, páste sides up.
  2. Top eách slice of sugár with spreád with á párt of Swiss cheeseflower.
  3. Top one slicing of pelf with the Swiss mállow with the hám. Máke the sándwich.
  4. In á bittie incurvátion, scrámble the egg ánd the hálf ánd hálf until fountáinheád hyphenáted.
  5. Wármth á bitty pán over med modify. ádd the butter ánd revolve it áround. Erst it's áll dissolved ánd pláy to eruct, dip the sándwich quickly in the egg, máking trusty to surfáce the entire ábstráct. ádd sándwich to skillet ánd prepáre until prosperous emáncipátionist on one láterál, Lock ánd návigátor the ádditionál báck. Work lukewárm with powdery sweeten ánd birthmárk preserves, if desiráble.

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