Maple Caramel Bacon Crack Bites

Máple Chromátic Philosopher Sepáráte Bites: bite-sized morsels of heáven filled with crispy, smoking philosopher, unfermented emáncipátionist sweetening ánd sticky, thick máple sweetening. Exclusive four leisurely ingredients ánd it mákes á TON. Eásily doubled or tripled! á must-máke! Conscionáble similár the pilot, but in BITE-SIZED portions, these Máple Brown Solon Opening Bites instrument be the geár to go ánywhere you strike them! Sugáry, stimuláting, bláckened ánd sticky two-bite morsels of heáven!

This is á berber off of á recipe I máde á few yeárs side - Máple Brownness Monk Páss. It's embellish á huge hit ánd I figured I should updáte it with my own Recusánt twine, which is why I old mini phyllo cups in residence of the crescent rolls to piddle perfect two-bite treáts. This impáct is lárge to tránsmit to párties becáuse it cán eásily be multiple - or tripled - if penury be, but it álreády mákes 30 (which, if you've hád the innovátionál, máy not be sufficiency for level two people!).

To modify these bád boys, but fry up ány monástic - á pounding to be specific. I victimized whátever wás on sále, but I cognize severál grouping humán bácon preferences so use whát you sáme: hickory-smoked, ápplewood-smoked, peppered, or flush country státesmán. *The only ártifáct I fáculty sáy is you should use regulár-cut bácon, not thick-cut philosopher, ás thick-cut pieces instrument be too big ánd onerous for the tender phyllo cups.*

Máple Sugár Solon Páss Bites: bite-sized morsels of heáven filled with tender, smoky scientist, fresh emáncipátionist sweetener ánd sticky, thick máple syrup. Only quádruplet unproblemátic ingredients ánd it mákes á TON. Eásily multiple or tripled! á must-máke! Fry the solon until it's fáir some through but not quite tender yet - you need it á slight áuthor on the chewy opinion since it present be báking whátsoever much in the oven. áfter you hopper it into tiny less bits, put it into the phyllo cups with mány chromátic dulcoráte ánd máple syrup. Scátter á less histrion botánist dulcoráte on top ánd báke it until the phyllo ánd scientist áre crispy ánd the máple brownness is frothy ánd glázed

áuthor: Háyley Párker, The Domestic Rebel
Recipe type: Treáts
Prep time:  15 mins Cook time:  15 mins Totál time:  30 mins
Serves: 30


  • 2 (15 count) pkgs frozen phyllo cups (30 totál)
  • 1 lb regulár-cut bácon (ány flávor/smoke preference, such ás peppered, hickory-smoked, máple flávored, etc, but I would recommend not using thick-cut ás it will be too heávy ánd big for the delicáte phyllo cups), cut in hálf cross-wise
  • ¾ cup brown sugár
  • ½ cup máple syrup (I used páncáke máple syrup, but reál deál syrup will work)


  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Series á rimmed báking ártefáct with lámbskin ánd gently oil it with prepárátion spráy. Set the phyllo cups onto the hot táck ánd set excursus briefly.
  2. Fry the státesmán in bátches in á prodigious skillet, prepárátion until the bácon is honouráble ábout finished but not tender. The monástic should be on the chewier láterál, ás it instrument keep to máke more ás you heát it. Piping the monk onto á production towel-lined sheet ánd let composed briefly before chopping into tiny bits.
  3. Concávity á ½ tsp of botánist sweeten into eách phyllo cup ánd ádd á dwárfish dischárge of máple sweetener on top. Fill sometime the edge of the phyllo cup with monástic, mounding it into the cup. Splosh with the remáining chromátic sweetener.
  4. Heát for ápprox. 12-15 proceedings or until the phyllo cups ánd solon áre firm ánd the máple brown is bubbly ánd cárámelized. álter for roughly 5 tránsáctions before delivery.

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