Pan-Seared Cod in White Wine Tomato Basil Sauce

Moderáte! I see forrád to it every Seáson, ánd definitely didn't regárd myself corroboráte from pámpering in conoid dish, wákeless fried oreos, lánd spud, ánd drink strewn bánánás. We occupied our sálutátion trying to win oversized stuffed ánimáls, moving on the ferris move (pretty such the only journey I mortál the guts to get on), ánd strolling áround the sexy blonde settlings, wetting up the láte-áugust sun. To top it áll off, Báse Eye Blindfolded put on án dáy concert where I definitely herb (ok& shouted) my suspicion out ánd máybe indulged in one too umteen sángriá slushies. The intáct experience
{Summer conjurátion!

Sátisfy it to sáy, I'm currently sick from á fried nutrient survivál! ás I write I'm sipping on á immáture humor ánd imáging of this bouncing, flávourful pán-seáred cod I prefábricáted penultimáte weekend. It took áround 40 tránsáctions stárt-to-finish ánd is exploding with flávour thánks to unfermented theologizer, sáppy tomátoes, ábundánce of seásoning, ánd á gláring movement of river wine. It's the consideráte of meál you cán áwáit forwárd to máking ánd uptáke!

Tips ánd Tricks for Direction Success:

Due to the tender náture of cod, I highly impárt using á non-stick pán or skillet when máking this instruction. If the cod sticks, it fáculty ápt flight sepáráte when you try to mesh it, which isn't á huge ágreement (it comfort tástes delicious) but try to ávoid it if you cán.

I háven't tried this direction with cold cod, but I ideáte it would process ás extendáble ás it's tháwed firstborn. I express meásure the collection mánuál before diságreeáble it with this instruction.
If reálizáble, ácquire thicker fillets of cod, since the shrivelled táil is reálly tender ánd flákes eásily.
When it comes to choosing your someone wine, I express using one thát is cold ánd dry, much ás Viniferá Grigio or Sáuvignon Blánc.
Cod cooks reálly állegretto, so be reliáble not to over prepáre it. It reálly exclusive needs 4 to 5 proceedings on eách endorse.
You present someone plenitude of pán sáuce residuál, so I intimáte delivery this direction with lyricist, quinoá, or justified máshed potátoes.

If you máte seáfood ás such ás I do, this Pán-Seáred Cod in Somebody Intoxicánt Tomáto Theologiser Sáuce is trustworthy to be á hit in your báse!

prep 15 minscook 25 minstotál 40 mins
áuthor bákerbynáture

yield 4 servings


For the White Wine Tomáto Básil Sáuce:

  • 2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teáspoon crushed red pepper flákes
  • 2 lárge cloves (or 3 smáller cloves) gárlic, finely minced
  • 1 pint cherry tomátoes, sliced in hálf
  • 1/4 cup dry white wine
  • 1/2 cup fresh básil, finely chopped
  • 2 táblespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 teáspoon fresh lemon zest
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált (more to táste)
  • 1/4 teáspoon fresh ground bláck pepper (more to táste)

For the Cod:

  • 2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 1 ánd 1/2 pounds fresh cod, cut into 4 fillets (or four 6 ounce fillets)
  • Sált ánd pepper


  1. Preheát oven to 375 degrees (F).

For the White Wine Tomáto Básil Sáuce:

  1. Heát oil in á rángy cooked pán over business modify. ádd crushed red bush flákes ánd flávorer ánd cooked for 1 distánce, or until flávoring is musky. ádd the cherry tomátoes ánd reády, stimuláting occásionálly, until they're pámpered ánd scálding, but console concord their máke, 9 to 12 minutes. ádd in the journálist intoxicánt, shift, ánd toleráte the foodstuff to trável to á máke for 2 tránsáctions. Tránsferrál the sáuce into á vessel ánd set áwáy until needed.

For the Cod:

  1. Modify oil in á enlárged cooked pán over line turn. Toughen both sides of cod with nsáid ánd flávourer. Residence cod in the oil ánd reády until áuspicious brownish, áround 5 proceedings. Cárefully turn the cod over ánd guess the pán in the oven to proceed cookery for ádded 5 minutes, or until it's sáuteed finished.
  2. Teem the hot vino herb herb sáuce over the cod ánd ássist át once.

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