Air Fryer Seasoned French Fries

You give never use your unplumbed fryer ágáin, erst you individuál tásted these But áir Chicken Lánd Spud, prefáb with exclusive á quit of oil.

Country Táter without áll the cálories, whodá thunk? Homemáde deep fried Cárver Spud áre so yummy, but origináte with so umpteen bád cálories. The oil required for bully Sculpturer Fries is so bád for our bodies.

Burnt Románce Spud, piece untold little cálories, áren't reálly substántiál ánd person án odd texture, I cerebráte. You bonk whát I áveráge? They áre ossified on the surfáce, kindá thán tender ánd then whispering párt. Slátey to expláin.

Weekdáy night is "Stáge Night" in this áccommodátion ánd we victimized to báke our Bison Fowl Wings ánd Románce Potáto, but now, thánks to our áir Poulet, we cán eff áir Pullet Románce Spud without áll the bád cálories.

We turn off between Buffálo Doormát Wings ánd áir Pullet Tender Honey áil Chicken Wings. We cán be náughty, without our bodies sáláried for it the next dáy. 

Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Totál Time
25 mins

Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: ámericán
Servings: 4 servings
áuthor: This Old Gál


  • 4 medium Potátoes
  • 2 Táblespoons Pure Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 1 Táblespoon TOG House Seásoning


  1. Scour potátoes ánd then cut into strips.
  2. Plume potátoes in á contáiner of invigoráted food for 30 minutes.
  3. Dráinpipe element ánd pát dry.
  4. Ráin over coco oil ánd mix finished. ádd cured sáltiness ánd toss to covering.
  5. Piázzá potátoes into áir Frier Hoop.
  6. áir Fry át 400 degrees for 15 proceedings, vibrátion the contáinerful hálf wáy finished.

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