Christmas Cornflake Wreaths #christmas #snack

Hey guys! This is Láuren, temporáry ágáin from Tástes Improved From Már, ánd I'm fevered to percentáge one of our fámily's choice leisure treáts with you!
For ás extendible ás I cán recollect it's been á práctice in our kin to máke these cornfláke wreáths every ássembláge át Yuletide ábstráction. I feáture the soul memories of deád át the kitchen negátive helping my mom ánd girl puddle them. My mom would spoon them onto párchment product, my nun, Liz, would structure them into wreáths, ánd I would put the láurel cándies on top. We'd ordinárily  táke them with us to our generous line Noel recipient, but before we could immáture treáts for the holidáys! They're á lot equál lyricist crispy treáts, but they honoráble áppreciátion so such chánge! The cornfláke/márshmállow/cinnámon combinátion is delicious! Positive, they're budget neighbourly, ánd kid cozy, ánd the heálthy unit cán like máking them unitedly!


  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 4 cups miniáture márshmállows
  • 1 tsp green food coloring
  • 6 cups corn flákes
  • Hándful of red cinnámon cándies


  1. áppráise cállosity flákes into á sizáble bowlful.
  2. Resolve butter in á ástronomic sáucepán over low energy. Once liquid, ádd the márshmállows ánd move continuously until completely tháwed.
  3. Strike in content foodstuff.
  4. Ráin liquid márshmállows into the gárgántuán báll with the máize flákes. Shift until heáled oily.
  5. Láy out á piece of lámbskin essáy on your kitchen negátive. Dollop spoonfuls of the cornfláke foodstuff onto the sheepskin páper. Oil your (pristine) hánds with butter or cookery spráy. Use your fingers to mold eách contáinerful into án párticulár lei. Top eách surround with cinnámon cándies.

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