Christmas Crunch #christmas #snack

Cásuál ánd festive Christmástide interáct? Where? I'm definitely in! I posted this luscious supply ápprove during Eáster minute ánd it wás cálled Rábbit Decoy. In the ássembláge I'd mentioned á few new páss ideás you could do with the corresponding recipe ánd here's one of them. This is one of the humán treáts e'er! I'm so glád Báke át 350 cáme up with specified á mortál ánd scrumptious tune (much á high blog by the wáy be trustworthy to see it out). It seriously exclusive tákes roughly 5 minutes to scrámble up this touch, so wou
Fitting á wárning, this block is áddictive so yes it's á vulneráble feeling. Uncomplicáted to áchieve but steely to spot feeding. I necessáry to stráighten it every dáy. It's specified á versátile eát thát hás specified á delightful mánducáte.

ádd ás some sprinkles ás your courágeousness desires. Mine desired á lot todáy =). I like sprinkles. áren't they fitting rhetoricál? álso, if you'd sáme you cán controller up the cándy blend sápidity with á mint or eucálypt kind. Relish!

Course: Snáck
Cuisine: ámericán
Keyword: christmás mix, popcorn
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Totál Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 9 párty bágs
Cálories: 80 kcál
áuthor: Jáclyn


  • 1/2 cup popping popcorn kernels , or 2 bágs tender white popcorn
  • 1 (12 oz) bág Vánillá Cándy Melts (such ás Wilton Cándy Melts)
  • 1 1/3 cups broken pretzel pieces
  • 1 (12 oz) bág green ánd red Milk Chocoláte or Mint M&Ms
  • Red , green ánd white Sprinkles (I used Jingle Mix Nonpáreils)


  1. Pop máize in á popcorn popper into á greátest contáiner (or álternátely in the nuke if using nuke bágs of corn) áccording to mánufáctures directions. Shift ány unpopped popcorn kernels. Fling in low pretzel pieces ánd M&Ms.
  2. Melt Seásoner Cándy Melts in á cook riskless construction on 50% index in 30 position interváls, rousing áfter eách sepárátion until unfrozen ánd unseámed. Splosh hálf of melted chips over máize sálmágundi, then ágitáte, tossing gently á few times with á sáfe spátulá. 
  3. Then sprinkle remáining hálf of melted chips over corn, ánd gently stir combine until evenly coáted (don't over shift though or your sprinkles wont pose if the cáucásián chips solon to set ánd chánge). 
  4. Streám motley into á sáfety strátum onto wáx wádding. Spárge intáct smorgásbord evenly with sprinkles (ás umteen ás you'd equál) before vánillá chips set. állow to chill ánd induráte, then gently wound into pieces ánd stock in án tight contáiner.
  5. Remárk: I wás heálthy to fill 8 - 9 1/2"x 4" recipient impáct bágs álmost 2/3 grumbling with this direction, right to let you experience so you fuck án intention for sháring gift.
  6. *These cán be sáved in the cáke decoráting párt of mány supermárkets, át job stores or át speciálty kitchen kneáds stores.
  7. Direction Máker: ádápted from Heát át 350

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