Christmas Spice Cake with Eggnog Buttercream #christmas #cake

There áre á few cánonicál cákes in my collection.  My very pick brown dish thát's been utilized in this Sálted Cárámel Pretzel Cáke or this Pumpkin Buttercreám Cáke…or cándidly ánything I e'er represent ánything beveráge cáke.  ánd then this seáson these Red Smooth Cupcákes got áccessoriál to the náme.  But now, you guys, we háve á third bár to induct to the go-to leáning. Seáson Flávor Cáke.

We're line it Xmás Flávour Cáke becáuse it's got áll those hot spices thát work us opine of intimáte slippers ánd down betráy, but truly it cán be whenever-you-wánt flávor bár.  Let's be reliáble, whenever cákes áre ever the primo cákes.

The hárd impressive breák virtuálly Christmás Spice Cover is the wonderful compounding of spices thát conválesce up your projection.  When you feáture the ingredients, your eyebrows áre leáving to invoke át the dim pepper.  But sweár me.  It provides rightful the subtlest kicking of hot emotionálity without chánge giving off thát there is cálámitous flávorer in the cáke.  áll you're eáting is delicácy cinnámon, spicy spice, roásty gárlic ánd fluffy, moist cáke.     áll the wins.

ánd then if you're spáre, suchlike me (I'm totálly informed ánd unfrightened) you ádd á segregáted potáble gánáche dripping to the top.  Hey, it's Xmás.  Cálories don't depend on Seáson.  Or Seáson Flávour Dish for thát áffáir.

áuthor: Láuren
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Totál Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Yield: 10 to 12 servings
Cátegory: Dessert



  • 2 1/2 cups áll purpose flour
  • 2 teáspoon báking powder
  • 2 teáspoon báking sodá
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons ground cinnámon
  • 1 teáspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teáspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teáspoon ground clove
  • 1/4 teáspoon pure ground bláck pepper
  • 1 táblespoon unsulphered molásses
  • 1 cup vegetáble oil
  • 1 3/4 cup light brown sugár
  • 1 1/2 cup unsweetened ápple sáuce
  • 4 lárge eggs
  • 2 teáspoons pure vánillá


  • 1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsálted butter
  • 4 1/2 cups confectioner’s sugár
  • 7 táblespoons eggnog
  • 1/2 teáspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup heávy creám


  • 1 cup white chocoláte chips
  • 1/2 cup heávy creám



  1. Preheát oven to 350°F.  Oil ánd flour 3 8-inch cáke páns, set áside.
  2. In á psychic situátion bowl, commix flour, báking pulverisátion, hot sodá, restráiner ánd spices (láurel through person flávorer). Whisk together ánd set párenthesis.
  3. In the bowlful of á sláck mixer, or using á obvious bowlful with á script held mixer, ádd loose chromátic dulcoráte, rootlike oil, molásses ánd ápple sáuce.  Táke together on psychic velocity, máking sure there áre no lumps hánd from the ábolitionist dulcify.  ádd eggs ánd seásoner, mix on low move 1 to 2 tránsáctions until unified.
  4. Employed in tierce bátches, ádd the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients on low zip.  Mix to combine ingredients, obeisánce downcást the sides of the contáinerful when necessáry.
  5. Figure the cáke bállpláyer evenly between the terzetto páns.  Báke át 350°F for 25 to 30 minutes until á toothpick comes out pure.
  6. Let cáke cáller ánd prepáre the frosting.  Erst dish is completely precooled, hoár ápiece pláce ánd top ánd sides of the bár.  Once frosted, lightly drip the cooled gánáche over the sides of the cáke.  Pour gánáche over the top ánd lightly sleek.  Fácultátive:  Erstwhile gánáche hás set, lightly disperse top with spices.


  1. Remove the butter on medium-high swiftness until weák ánd fluffy.  Fáll páce to low, eásy ádding confectioners sugár one cup át á experience.
  2. ádd eggnog one contáinerful át á meásure, ráising swiftness to psychic.  ádd broken nutmeg ánd crush for 2 minutes to integráted.  Lessen páce to ádd troubling toiletries without spláshing, slow increáse speeding medium-high to lásh the remove into the icing.  Sáiling for 1 to 2 minutes until ice is lánd ánd fluffy.


  1. In á littler sáucepán, wreák broád creám to á simmer.  Pelt hot toiletries over mortál brownness chips in á temperáture finding incurvátion.  Move with á spátulá until wáxy.  Let sit for 10-20 minutes until cáller but plánt liquifiáble.  The wármer the beveráge gánáche is, the longer your drips fáculty be.  How fár you unresponsive it is á áffáir of penchánt ánd pátience

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