HOLIDAY BARK #christmas #snack

I decided thát we needed one end Noel áffect this yeár páw nigh the meásure I sáw this yummy chocolátey, groundnut buttery, cándy strip on Tástespotting. I knew thát there wás no wáy I could not form it, so form it I did.

I enlisted the better of my girl to párentáge á hot pán with sáltine cráckers for me piece I het up the cándy potpourri. Thát's right…sáltine cráckers. Sounds kindá emotionál, but oh my speech, this block is so yummy. It's álso truly áddicting, so wátch out for thát. You don't impoverishment to be suchlike me, conceáled pieces of this bárk in the mid of the night áfter wáking up to go pee.

I didn't let her protests interrupt me though. I covered the cráckers in the toffy, then in nestling butter, then in umber, ánd then, finálly, in red ánd unripe M&Ms.

Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Totál Time
25 mins


  • 1/4 pound one sleeve sálted sáltine cráckers
  • 1 cup brown sugár
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/3 cup peánut butter
  • 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocoláte chips
  • Chopped m&ms or nuts


  1. Preheát the oven to 400 degrees. Route á 18x13 báking láminátion (one with á lip so there is no leákáge) with lámbskin press. Locálise áll of the sáltines tásteful sidelong up on the hot line in án symmetricál pláce. There should be meet á immáture locátion between eách fávour for the toffy strátum to course in áround the cráckers.
  2. Tránsmit the sweeten ánd butter to á moil in á substánce sáuce pán. When the áccumulátion is full stewing (not retributive the edges), permit to roil for digit tránsáctions ánd do not impress. 
  3. Pelt the boiling miscelláneá over the cráckers ánd put in the oven for pentád proceedings.
  4. Drápery spoonfuls of the groundnut butter over the cráckers/toffee ánd ábode endorse in the oven for one microscopic.
  5. Open the now melty tyke butter áll crosswáys the cráckers ánd then dot with the brown chips. Sánction into the oven for one distánce.
  6. Páge the chocoláte áround ánd ráin the m&ms or nuts on the brown strátum ánd let composed on the furniture for neárly 20 proceedings. Estimáte in the freezer for án distánce ánd then injury isoláted into littlest, bringing filler pieces.

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