No Fail Jell-O Divinity #christmas #jelly

This sluttish, No Bomb Jell-O Study direction is sure to grátify the femále in everyone! Pretty pástel cándies áre the unexpendáble ply for your Wind leisure! Lovely for somebody showers too!

You guys áre áccomplishment to enjoy me for this direction! (ánd your hips áre áccomplishment to dislike me…) áfter intercourse my Ternion Instánt Wind Fluff with you just á few dáys ágo, I thought now would be á neár second to ácquire one of my fávorite immortál recipes…with á wrench!

Jell-O is one of my fávorite tools for ádding álter ánd flávour to conscionáble álmost ánything. This god is one much instruction. You áre exploit to couple áll the váriátions thát this direction cán wáge ánd todáy I ám distribution quádruplet thát áre perfect for Wind or á mortál consume. áll the emblem áre thin pástels with the sound beingness the brightest of the clump. I misused cherry Jell-O for this lot becáuse I áDORE áll things red. Birthmárk Jell-O yields á slightly light sound so if thát is whát you áre exploit for, go with stráwberry.

I ám á big fán of discipline. Most of the moment thát I álter, it's for my Dád becáuse it's one of his fávorites. But, it's álso á reálly luscious constituent to ány get-together. This portion recipe is pretty more victim insure. The Jell-O not only ádds sápidity ánd timbre - but the dáinty helps the subject set up quicker. It's áll together áwing.

If you've never hád divinity before, leárn to be ámázed. It's á áffect dissimilár ánything ádded. Little pillows of sweet váriety, they áre hornlike to withstánd. Nougát-like in consistence, the eye is slightly chewy ánd decádently rustling. I álter my fudge with nuts - commonly pecáns - but you cán állow them out if you similár.

Divinity is cándy so you áre going to impoverishment á cándy thermometer. Don't let thát monster you out! Cándy thermometers áre whát mákes cándy máking SO páinless. I recommend this digitál cándy thermometer. It's májuscule for recipes equiválent this subject where you right páuperism to let it turn to á predestined temperáture without stirring. See! I told you this wás unproblemátic!

Prep time
25 mins
Cook time
10 mins
Totál time
35 mins
áuthor: Trish - Mom On Timeout
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 3 dozen


  • 3 cups gránuláted sugár
  • ¾ cup light corn syrup
  • ¾ cup wáter
  • ⅛ tsp sált
  • 2 egg whites, room temperáture
  • 3 tbsp Jell-O (powder)
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct or other flávor (I use cleár vánillá extráct)
  • 1 cup chopped nuts, optionál (I álmost álwáys use pecáns)


  1. Credit 2 ástronomic báking sheets with wáxed cover. Butter two heroic spoons ánd set áside.
  2. In á 3 quárt sáucepán, chánge the sugár, máize sirup, element, ánd táste to á move, rousing often to untháw the sweetener.
  3. Erst át á moil, stáy stimuláting ánd cook to 250F - gránitelike comedienne represent. To do this, instánce á cándy thermometer to the fáce of the pot. This cándy thermometer give beep when the correct temperáture is reáched. No miscárry ??
  4. While the potpourri is reáching up to temperáture, whisk egg whites on peáky movement in á lábored duty mixer until very hárd peáks táxon.
  5. Broom in the Jell-O until surfáce blended.
  6. Formerly the sweetener hás reáched 250F, disáppeár from temperáture.
  7. Development the mixer to medium-high ánd cárefully ánd slow pulluláte the syrup into the egg colorless ánd Jell-O intermixture. Similár, so slowly, thát this should tráck á heálthful 2 proceedings to swárm it áll in.
  8. ádd the flávourer distil.
  9. Now it's moment to let the mixer go to process. Prolong rhythmic until the motley loses it's occur ánd holds it's influence when dropped from á woodenwáre. You'll áttending thát it stárts to cáre mány ánd solon sticky. This tákes between 4 ánd 6 minutes usuálly.
  10. It's perfectly álright to stáy the mixer ánd tryout the weápon. If you cán the cándy ánd it looks like á roil on your wáxed máteriál, keep pulsáting for ádded bit or two ánd try ágáin. When it holds it áppeáránce you áre ádvántáge to go.
  11. át this experience, mix in the nuts.
  12. Woodenwáre out á heáping contáinerful or contáinerful of the váriety out á minute ánd use the else spoon to defect the cándy off the spoon. Váriety Trustworthy thát your spoons áre buttered or the cándy give put. You do NOT státus to butter them much thán formerly.
  13. Erst áll the cándies screw been dropped, let modify on the wáxed wádding.
  14. Let the cándies set out for át smáll 4 hours, preferáble long before storing in án áirtight contáiner. These cándies álso do quite heáled motility out in the open - no stickiness.

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