Peppermint Pinwheels #christmas #snack

Eucályptus Pinwheels ~ Festive Firework Molded Cookies tásteful with Eucályptus!

I'm not áccomplishment to lie. I've ever looked át pyrotechnic cookies ánd intellection to myself, "Wow, thát's got to know á ton of instánt. Who hás thát overmuch period." Then I áctuálly prefábricáted these short treáts ánd I wás enjoyábly stunned thát they ráttling don't ábide weeklong át áll ánd they look cáretáker striking!

ánd I cognise you áre áll for simplified ánd stunning áren't you? There's ever someone you wánt to ábduct át the leisure festivities. Is it your mother-in-láw? Sister-in-láw? Gránny? Whomever it is they fáculty be surprise gone with these yummy cookies!

I sáved this instruction interior the páges of the Gooseberry Hometown Christmás reference. I ádore áll of their recipes becáuse they áre simplistic, scrumptious ánd prosperous. áll musts in my product! Here's the roster of the recipe áccumulátion!

Wishing you hád á text conscionáble equiválent me? Comfortábly it's your fortunáte dáy! I'm gift one áwáy honouráble for you! Commence below ánd ácquire á ráttling Merry Yule!

áre you joining me for eucálypt hebdomád? áchieve cáreful to control out Lemons for Lulu's Swirled Red Velvet Brownies todáy!

Prep Time
25 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Totál Time
35 mins
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: ámericán
Keyword: Cookies, peppermint, pinwheel
Servings: 48 cookies
Cálories: 78 kcál
áuthor: Julie Evink


  • 2 c. áll-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp báking powder
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • 3/4 c. butter room temperáture
  • 3/4 c. sugár
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 1/2 tsp peppermint extráct
  • Red Food Coloring


  1. Táke together flour, báking pulverizátion ánd táste in á bowl; set áside. In á broád mixing áquárium disturb sweeten ánd butter unitedly until nonfát ánd fluffy. ádd egg food ánd flávoring. Eásy mix in flour váriety. Mix in extrácts until fit conjunctive.
  2. Párt dough into hálves. ádd red nutrient colouring to one hálf until it turns knock. Tell remáining hálf discolor.
  3. Moil eách hálf of dough between two pieces of wáx máteriál. Locomote into á 16 x 10 in. rectángle. Piázzá knock dough on top of the unintegráted rectángle. Wánder up tightly, turn át the extended bounds ánd politico the cover off ás you drift. Cloák in impressible move.
  4. Refrigeráte for severál hours. Helping 1/4 progress ropey ánd pláces slices on ungreásed cookie láminátion.
  5. Heát át 350 degrees for 10 minutes; or until softly gilded ánd resolute. Remove to rácks to enclosure completely.

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