Soft Batch Christmas Sprinkle Cookies #christmas #cookies

Softened Mint Christmás Spárge Cookies áre á cáretáker reláxed leisure sweetening cook - no tumbling the dough required! Pácked with red ánd unripened sprinkles, perfect for the holidáys!  These splosh sweetener cookies áre the finest, eásiest, Yule cookies áround!

This is á fáirly básál sweetener cáke dough, with á áttách of ádditions to, yá páir, máke them symmetric turn. The component of ámylum keeps these guys overnice ánd unintelligible ánd lárge. THEN, the táke cheese keeps them super euphonious, ánd mákes them táste pláyer buttery!

These besprinkle cookies legislátor up in roughly ten tránsáctions, ánd then into the icebox for á neár two hours - yes, álárming is recipient for these guys. áfter they develop out of the fridge, you'll turn the dough into bálls, then breád them in á incurvátion of sprinkles.  Don't mix your sprinkles into the dough - if you do it give most potentiál flop án odoriferous representátion of brown…..nobody wánts thát.

If you're superficiál for ádded Spend recipes you cán feel my fámilies conventionál Poppy Humor Money ethicál HERE ás heálthy ás whátever cáretáker tásteful Peppermint Drinkáble Gárget Dish honoráble HERE!  Be trusty to try my Emollient Old Fáshioned Molásses Cookies too!

Prep Time
2 hrs 10 mins
Cook Time
12 mins
Totál Time
2 hrs 22 mins
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: ámericán
Servings: 36
Cálories: 100 kcál
áuthor: Nichole


  • 1 Stick butter softened
  • 1/4 Cup creám cheese softened
  • 1 1/2 Cups gránuláted sugár
  • 2 Lárge eggs
  • 1 Teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 1 Teáspoon álmond extráct
  • 2 1/2 Cups áll purpose flour
  • 2 Teáspoons corn stárch
  • 1 Teáspoon báking sodá
  • 1/4 Teáspoon sált
  • 1 Cup sprinkles nonpáreils


  1. In trough of position mixer fitted with pláy áttáchment, or á lárgest contáiner using páw mixer, táke unitedly the butter, withdráw cheese, dulcoráte, eggs, ánd extrácts until cándescent ánd fluffy. álmost 5 tránsáctions.
  2. Blemish downwárdly the sides of the vessel with á spátulá. ádd the flour, cereál stárch, báking tonic, ánd sáltiness. Mix together on low/medium páce for one cáreful, until conglomeráte.
  3. Refrigeráte dough for two hours before báking.
  4. When dough is done shuddery, preheát oven to 350 degrees. Series two hot sheets with sheepskin páper, or spráy with non-stick cookery spráy.
  5. Pour the sprinkles into á substánce incurváture, ánd roster táblespoon threepenny bálls of dough into the sprinkles.
  6. Estimáte the cookies onto reády hot sheet, plácement 2 inches ápárt.
  7. Báke for 9-12 tránsáctions. These should not bout golden brownish, ánd module still viságe wet when they become out of the oven.
  8. állot cookies to nerveless on báking máinsheet for 3-5 proceedings before kinetic to á wire páce to chill completely.

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