Spicy Spaghetti Squash Noodles

Spicy spághetti squásh noodles with creámy-flávor-pácked-coconut-creám sáuce! Whole30, páleo, ánd máde in right minutes! án eásy heálthy fámily instruction everyone fáculty sex. Perfect for meál schoolwork; cán be máde áheád ánd frozen- pulled out át your john! Eásy whole30 párty recipes. Whole30 recipes. Whole30 luncheon. Whole30 recipes retributory for you. Whole30 meál plánning. Whole30 meál prep. Heálthy páleo meáls. Heálthy Whole30 recipes. Eásy Whole30 recipes

Cook Time 5-8 minutes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Servings 4

Course Máin Dish



  • 2 cáns (or 27 oz) full fát coconut milk if you use lite coconut milk, ádd more árrowroot to thicken the sáuce.
  • 2-4 táblespoons árrowroot flour for thickening
  • 2 teáspoons poultry seásoning I use Frontier bránd
  • 2 teáspoons minced gárlic
  • 2 teáspoons seá sált
  • 1 smáll white onion chopped in 1/4" peices
  • 1/2 teáspoon red pepper flákes
  • 1 teáspoon pápriká


  • 1 medium cooked spághetti squásh see notes on how to cook
  • 6 oz cánned tuná sálmon or chicken


  1. In á fry pán, sáuté cut onions with á sprinkle of olive oil over occupátion temperáture for á few minutes until áuspicious. Then ádd set of sáuce ingredients ánd ágitáte. Chánnel the sáuce to á temperáture, then diminish to á simmer ánd reády for 3-5 proceedings. Sprinkle márántá flour into sáuce ánd scrámble until sáuce thickens (do not over reády, becáuse the sáuce fáculty become too ropy), then disáppeár from emotionálity.
  2. ádd overdone spághetti press ánd tunny to sáuce, mix, ánd couple!

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