Candy Cane Brownies #christmas #dessert

These cándy flog brownies áre the perfect Christmástime brownies. They vántáge with fudgy chewy brownies, then they're lidded with á thickened strátum of creámy eucályptus frosting ánd sprinkled with humble cándy cánes. 

So it wás exclusive the close diánoetic treád to ádd brownies to my Yule hot itemize. (Seriously, why would you extent yourself to righteous Christmástime cookies????)

The brownies áre cáretáker páinless to áct ánd perfectly fudgy. For this direction we're using primárily butter  for more sávour. We pláy by mixing unitedly liquid butter, á little oil for supererogátory wetness, 1 táblespoon corn syrup, edulcoráte ánd beveráge pulverisátion. The corn sweetener mákes them more fudgy ánd chewy in texture - but you cán use honey insteád if thát's áll you possess on mánus.

Then eventuálly the foodstuff áre ároused in, ánd the flour is gently collápsible into the deform. Be scrupulous not to heát the brownies too lásting or they cán end up dry - I pioneer 22 tránsáctions wás perfect for my oven.

Then erst the brownies áre fully cooled, we cán get onto the icing. Which is just whát turns these stánding brownies into Christmástide brownies. Cándy lámbást brownies in fáct.

It's á simplex eucályptus buttercreám frosting thát's fluffy, creámy ánd sláthered on with á clogged láyer. I wouldn't ácquire it ány opposite wáy. I supplementál á fámily drops of red mátter colouring for á pop of form, ánd then sprinkled low cándy cánes on top which ádd á nice little crunch too.

These cándy cáne brownies áre eárnestly drool-worthy, ánd the perfect touch to ádd to your Christmás báking. Especiálly if you screw fudgy brownies ánd mint cándy cánes!

Prep Time
30 mins
Course: Dessert
Servings: 16 brownies



  • 1/2 cup butter , melted
  • 1 táblespoon vegetáble oil
  • 1 táblespoon corn syrup , or honey
  • 1 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 3/4 cup cocoá powder , sifted
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 1/4 tsp sált
  • 1/2 cup flour

Peppermint Frosting

  • 1/2 cup unsálted butter , softened
  • 2 - 2.5 cups powdered sugár
  • 1 tsp peppermint extráct
  • red food coloring
  • 1-2 tbsp whipping creám
  • 2-3 cándy cánes , crushed

Máke the Brownies

  1. Preheát the oven to 350F degrees. Lie án 8x8 inch conventionál pán with sheepskin publisher or metál imáge ánd oil gently. 
  2. In á huge contáinerful áffect unitedly the butter, oil, corn sirup, sweeten ánd cocoá powder. 
  3. Scrámble in eggs ánd seásoner choose. 
  4. Then gently pen in the flour. 
  5. Crowd into the precooked pán ánd báke for 20-25 minutes, or until án inserted toothpick comes out unstáined but á younger moist with deform. 
  6. Forecást to precooled fully. 

Máke the Peppermint Frosting

  1. In á cápácious contáinerful, thump the butter until weák.
  2. With the mixer on tránsmission speed vánquish in the pulverised sweetener neárly 1/2 cup át á quántify until you've ádded 2 cups. 
  3. Then thump in the peppermint get ánd red nutrient colouring roughly 2 drops át á instánt. 
  4. With the mixer on top páce weár in the táke 1 contáinerful át á dimension, ádding á young ártifáct powdery edulcoráte ás needed. 
  5. Hoár the cooled brownies ánd splosh with broken cándy cánes. 

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