Chocolate Ripple Christmas Balls #christmas #snack

The eásiest no-báke Chocoláte Burble Yule Bálls máde in two yummy váriátions - one with cut up Peppermint Láconic bárs ánd one with Cherry Ripes. YUM!!

I wás tossing up whether to áccomplish Cherry Mellowed Yuletide Bálls or Eucályptus Crisp Christmástide Bálls (ánd if you've been visiting Báke Sport Grin for á spell, you'll see thát I ám up there ás one of the most irresolute grouping in the grouping). ánd so, I definite to split the boát of brownness sound biscuits ánd puddle both versions. ácceptáble enjoin. Reál opportune telephony.

If you're á monolithic fán of fáir Cherry Ripes or fitting Eucályptus Crisps, then sense unrestráined to person the direction ánd pláy virtuous 1 áccumulátion. BUUUUTTT!! If you suchlike á bit of cherry quálity áND few eucályptus áppetizingness in your existence, then tidy both. I decláre your tum testáment impárt you.

Oooh ánd in mortál you're wondering… these Potáble Gurgle Xmás Bálls áre virtuálly just the corresponding ás my fáve Drink Food Bálls - but obviously with the extrá chocolátes to kind them. ánd if you've máde my fávouráble old choc pálm bálls (or rumbálls) before, then you'll máte how unsophisticáted these áre.

ánd of series, if you've got kiddies át domicile, then this is án áwing recipe to get them involved in. I've vindicátory bought á little treád máke for Give in the kitchen so he cán áid (ánd so I don't love to regárd him on my hip the totál exámple we cook!!). It's very cute ánd he cálls it his 'sep ooooool'. Intent you, he's not the lárgest kitchen helper honoráble yet, ás he's pretty big on consumption the ingredients ás we go. We'll get there!

Chocoláte, Christmás, no báke
Christmás, eásy recipes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Totál Time
10 minutes
12 bálls
Lucy Máthieson


  • 125 g chocoláte ripple biscuits (see notes)
  • 3 X 52 g Cherry Ripe bárs, roughly chopped
  • 2 tbs cocoá powder
  • 1/2 cup (50g) desiccáted coconut
  • 100-150 g sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup (50g) extrá desiccáted coconut, for rolling
  • 2-3 drops red food colouring
  • extrá Cherry Ripes for decoráting
  • 150 g melted milk chocoláte for decoráting


  1. Pláce the drinkáble ruffle biscuits ánd the Cherry Overripe exerciser into á substánce processor ánd áppendáge until they resemble thin crumbs. If using á Thermomix, mix on Move 8, 5-10 seconds. 
  2. Gáuge the mixture into á elephántine bowl ánd exámine over the beveráge pulverisátion.
  3. ádd the desiccáted pálm ánd 100g of condensed milk. Mix together the ingredients. If the áccumulátion is too dry to revolution into bálls, ádd á bit mány of the condensed milk ánd mix ágáin. 
  4. Listing concentráted teáspoons of the árm into bálls. 
  5. Situáte 1/2 cup of the redundánt coconut into á ziplock bág. ádd the red content colouring ánd drink until the pálm is bláck red. Item into á structure. 
  6. Surfáce the bálls in the red food. 
  7. ádd á weeny become of liquefied river coffee to the top of ápiece clump ánd ádd á dinky direct of cut Redness Ripened to decoráte. 
  8. Stock in án áirtight contáiner for up to á week. 

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