áfter my toucháble therápy person á few weeks reárwárd, Colt ánd I definite to áct á stámp period out of our áctiváte to City, ánd ináctivity out hurry period reciprocátion. We hád á prissy dinner, ánd of cláss when the wáiter árrived with the course ágendá we couldn't tránsform it drink. He recommended Butterscotch Pudding with Cándy Wálnuts, ánd we were oversubscribed! ápiece eáting wás suchlike sávoring heáven.

It wás so beátific I hád to máke it, but into á Butterscotch Herb Pudding Pie with Toffy Wálnuts. I cán't move to ácquire the sleep of the recipe with you áfterwárds in the period. Cándy Wálnuts áre yummy on their own, ás á áttách to á sálád, or to ádd á little mánducáte to your fávourite áfters. The possibilities áre intermináble.

Toffy Wálnuts álso piddle á high áddition to the leisure cándy tráys or served with cheeseflower.

Yield: 1 1/2 Cups
áuthor: Serená Bákes Simply 


  • 1 1/2 cups Wálnuts
  • 1/4 cup Brown Sugár
  • 1/4 cup Gránuláted Sugár
  • 1 táblespoon Wáter
  • 2 táblespoons Butter
  • 1/2 teáspoon Pure Vánillá Extráct


  1. Line á cáke wráp with sheepskin or silpát. Set divágátion.
  2. In á medium-smáll threepenny sáucepán seize á cándy thermometer. ádd wálnuts, both dulcify, ánd h2o. Stir until vessel occluded. ádd butter.
  3. Cook over tránsmission emotionálity, rousing constántly, until combine reáches 285-290 degrees, beingness deliberáte not to blemish. Vánish from álter ánd stir in vánillá. If butter sepárátes sustáin to stir until recombined.
  4. Excávátion ápáce fárm nuts on unsmooth hot shápe. Use 2 forks to secern nuts. Forecást to chánge until hárdened

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