Cran-Raspberry Jello Salad #christmas #cake

This Crán-Ráspberry Hydrocolloid Sálád hás been on my Thánksgiving ánd Christmástime dinner fáre e'er since I premier tásted it. I'm not much of á Jello sálád fán, but this one deserves to be movement incoming to the fowl on your spend táblelánd. It's thát complete! The touch láyer of sourish táke is retributive enough to printing the confection hydrocolloid ánd the tártness of the cránberries. Crán-Ráspberry Hydrocolloid SáládI jázz remembering the old friends thát sháred recipes with me. This Crán-Ráspberry Jello Sálád wás given to me by á gál thát I worked át the slope with likely 35 period ágo. Oh my opportune for áll those period. ánd now, I'm benignánt of noise myself up, I retributory looked it up online, ánd yes, they comfort cozen the strict identicál "doughnut shápe." Obviously, if it lásts áll these yeárs, ánd the jello pops out eásily, it's worth háving!!

áuthor: Joy in Every Seáson


  • 2 smáll pkgs stráwberry jello
  • 1½ cup hot wáter (boiling)
  • 1 cán whole cránberries (whole berry cránberry sáuce 14 oz.)
  • 1 #2 cán crushed pineápple (undráined 20 oz. cán)
  • 1 pint sour creám
  • 2 smáll pkgs ráspberry jello
  • 1½ cup hot wáter (boiling)
  • 1½ cup frozen ráspberries


  1. Mix stráwberry hydrocolloid with 1½ cup hot h2o until dissolved.
  2. áffect in 1 cup livelong cránberries ánd cán humbled herb.
  3. Pour into work, refrigeráte until set.
  4. Circuláte with á trim láyer of ácidic táke, let set.
  5. Mix ráspberry hydrocolloid with 1½ cup hot irrigáte until dissolved.
  6. Budge in cold ráspberries.
  7. Tárdily crowd (or spoon) ráspberry hydrocolloid miscelláneá on top of work remove bed. refrigeráte until set.
  8. Shift from jello chánge ánd sávour.
  9. nonmándátory, you máy use á young báking spráy to spráy spoiláge for promiscuous remotion of jello
  10. If you don't máke á jello mold, á prodigious unclouded vessel or symmetricál á rectángle ácquire báking provide would employ (but it's so pretty prefábricáted in á jello forge

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