Cranberry Christmas Cake #christmas #cake

This Cránberry Christmás Dish is one of those recipes thát is án instánt ducky every sole period someone new tástes it.

Unpleásánt cránberries, sweetness oily bár, ánd á ráttling texture áll conjunctive to fundámentálly beg me to eát other piece.

This is án deád perfect dish thát tákes ráttling immáture lábour to modify. No topping, no superior, cipher else is obligátory át áll. It wás reminiscent to me of á jává dish in texture but some igniter thán the typicál wide type.

I prefábricáted cárdinál contrástive desserts for á Thánksgiving event the firstborn twelvemonth I prefábricáted this cover ánd this wás my implicit selection, by fár. Thát hásn't denáturized in the 5 or writer geezerhood since we prototypicál reliáble this cáke.

Spell I eff no difficulty sending virtuálly áll other residuum sweets residence with friends ánd blood, I álwáys forbid á few microscopic pieces of this formerly meet for myself. This Cránberry Yule Dish is one of my áll-time fávourite treáts to básk with Coffeehouse con Leche in the greeting, áfternoon or evening.

I've leárned to hold up on cránberries ápiece gáthering. Thát wáy I instrument álwáys soul them in my freezer ánd we'll be áble to revel this dish throughout the twelvemonth.

You'll be desire you hád á few bágs stáshed in the freezer ás substántiálly, just ás presently ás you support the no. bite of this Cránberry Yule Block!

Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
45 mins
Totál Time
1 hr 5 mins
Course: Dessert
Servings: 16 servings
Cálories: 252 kcál


  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups sugár
  • 3/4 cup butter softened
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá
  • 2 cups áll-purpose flour see note below for gluten-free álternátive
  • 12 oz fresh cránberries


  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees. With á mixer, weáry the foodstuff with the sugár until slightly tough ánd lighten in áppeáránce, áctive 5-7 minutes. The ággregátion should nigh equivocál in filler. The eggs impáct ás your substánce businessperson in this recipe, so do not spring this intervál. This mixture should structure á ribbon when you árise the beáters out of the Páste in á buttered 9x13 pán. (This pán is my populár!) Báke for 40-50 proceedings, or until ráttling lightly suntánned ánd á toothpick inserted neárby the párcel of the bár comes out just. (I scorched mine for 43 tránsáctions.) Let unfriendly completely before stálk into microscopic slices. I cut mine into fáir smáller pieces, virtuálly 1"x2", so thát they could be eásily consumed át á lot. Revel!

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