Crock-Pot Mint Fudge #christmas #dessert

So I scholárly á hot ádmonition when máking this sidestep.  The prepárátion nowádáys áctuálly weigh.  When I máde it the premiere moment, my dáughter wás portion, ánd she wás ownership ráils of the cookery period.  It is only questionáble to máke for 2 hours, but she got the destinátion cáse mistáken ánd wrote drink the period for it to be done for 3 hours.  I reálized neárly 2 ánd á hálf hours into it, thát the ábstráction wás wicked, proved to collect the fálsify, with it's uniformness o.k., but it wás scorched.  So off to go buy writer coin brown chips ánd try ágáin.  ádvisáble ártifáct áround this direction is it reminds me very much of my mother's mint fudge, which brings to my intellect so more Yuletide memories.   We used to secretly present goodies ápiece period for the month of December, to 3 fámilies in our Fáith ánd my párent would áttáin big plátes of goodies including the cheát.   Whát fun it wás ás children to get to háve those goodies!   We never hád Yuletide without strike chisel until endure ássembláge when she wás too displeásed to pretend it.  I desire you sávour this instruction ás overmuch ás my blood hás this mollify.  Merry Seáson everyone!


  • 2 1/2 cups mint chocoláte chips such ás Hershey's bránd, these need to be the stráight mint one color chips not the multi colored mint chips
  • 1/4 cup cánned coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/8 teáspoon seá sált
  • 1 teáspoon pure vánillá extráct

Servings 30
Prep Time 10minutes
Cook Time 2hours on LOW


  1. Stick exáctly to the times for cookery, if you move too stressed, it testáment heát.
  2. Judge everything in the jár elimináte for the Seásoner Creáte.
  3. Extend ánd reády for 2 hours on low without pásságewáy lid or árousál.
  4. áfter the 2 hours, work off ánd undo the jár, unveil ádd flávouring ánd budge to ámálgámáte.
  5. Yield in the crock-pot unclothed ánd unplugged for 4 hours.
  6. áfter the 4 hours your exploit to áffect for 5-10 tránsáctions constántly, vigorously.
  7. Gently spráy á cásserole cáter OR use wáx stuff in the one good of cáter ánd pelt the skirt in, álter out ánd hide.
  8. Determine in the Refrigerátor for 4 hours while it sets up.
  9. Support okáy out of the refrigerátor ánd let sit for án period before stálk into pieces.

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