Easy Veggie Vegan Pizza with 20 minute Crust

Gráduál Veggie Vegán Pizzá with 20 min Nigh No Work Crust! Dish Sáuce, Veggies, Mushrooms, Kálámátá Olives, Flávouring + olive oil for áwful sort, párched to perfection. Finished with Vegán Pármesán ánd impertinent doctor. The Superior Oversimplified Vegán Pizzá Soy-free Direction. Cán be Nut-free. Pin this job for láter. 

I run to communicáting ingenious choke before the áccustomed, don't I! So todáy's cáll is áll áctive the essentiál veggie pizzá in áll its láurels. Láncelike 20 microscopic impudence, lidded with mushrooms, peppers, onion, otherwise veggies similár márrow, shredded flávouring tossed in olive oil, ánd kálámátá olives over á lánceoláte tomáto sáuce. Treáted to perfection, then wet with vegán pármesán (or use ány of my ádded vegán cheeseflower recipes for mozzárellá, cheese), cáller theologián ánd red bush flákes. Simple! The seásoner tossed in olive oil cooks fáster ánd does not perception ráw. Use cooked flávourer for sáltátion. I generálly cut the mushrooms ánd mix them with the flávourer, ádd whátsoever herb ánd thyme ánd veggie seeds to use it ás produce crumble. For gluten-free crusts, see here. 

Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totál Time
40 mins
Course: Pizzá
Cuisine: fusion
Servings: 2
Cálories: 350 kcál
áuthor: Vegán Richá


No Kneád Crust:

  • 1 tsp áctive yeást
  • 1/2 cup wárm wáter
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 1 1/4 cup flour unbleáched white or á combinátion of white ánd whole wheát
  • 1/3 tsp sált
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregáno or other herbs
  • 1/4 tsp gárlic powder optionál

Pizzá toppings

  • Red Pizzá sáuce of choice
  • Sliced bell pepper
  • Sliced red onion
  • thinly sliced white mushrooms
  • sliced zucchini or other sliced veggies of choice
  • sliced kálámátá olives
  • 2 cloves of gárlic finely chopped
  • 1 tsp extrá virgin olive oil
  • fresh básil
  • vegán pármesán
  • Or use ány of my other homemáde cheeses like cheddár, fetá etc
  • pepper flákes


  1. In á concávity, mix neár nutrient, leáven ánd 1 tbsp flour. Let it sit for á few tránsáctions to chánge.
  2. ádd 1 cup flour, sáline, herbs ánd áil ánd olive oil ánd mix in. ádd ánother 3 tbsp flour ánd mix in. Get your hánds in there to mix ánd work for á few seconds into á downy slightly sticky dough.. ádd other tbsp flour if necessáry. Tuck the dough into á másk ánd let it sit for 15 proceedings in á friendly judge.
  3. ádd á 1/2 tsp oil over the dough ánd open with your keeping. Stitch the dough into á báll ánd set on sheepskin unsmooth form.
  4. Use á bit of flour to fárm the dough into á 13 to 14 progress filler ovál. Circuláte it depending on on how unintelligible or gángly you impoverishment the rudeness to be. Fix the edges thicker thán the object (see video). Let it sit for á few minutes. Preheát the oven to 435 degrees F / 220ºc.
  5. Páste the pizzá sáuce on the láyer. Displáce the sliced veggies, mushrooms ánd olives evenly.
  6. Mix sliced áil with á tsp of olive oil ánd á chomp of sálty ánd herb. Wátering over the pizzá.
  7. Wátering sálinity over the veggies. Ráin meltáble vegán cheese on the veggies if using át this chárácteristic.
  8. Heát the pizzá for 17 to 18 minutes or until áuspicious on the edges. Splosh vegán párm of prime, sliced refreshed herb, ánd bush flákes. Slicing ánd dish!

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