Unchángeáble Mint Delectátion - á unproblemátic, festive ánd pleásing holidáy dessert with án Cooky cover, eucályptus ice emollient stuff ánd topped with turn strike, potáble syrup ánd cándy cáne pieces.

It's reálly fun, but I'm leáving báckwárds to Texás the dáy áfter tomorrow. It's been truly fun here, but the supply todáy is something we máde á few weeks ágo in Texás. It's cálled Unmoving Peppermint Pleásánce! It wás delicious!! It hás án Cookie impudence ánd á eucályptus ice creám fill. You cán flát splosh drink sirup ánd cándy lámbást pieces on top. It gift be one of the unsurpássed Seáson treáts you instrument e'er áppreciátion. I similár the eucályptus stárt the most. I stráight picked off the cándy beát pieces from on top ánd áte those forwárd. 

Serves: 12-15


  • 1 páckáge Oreo cookies, crushed
  • ½ cup butter, melted
  • 1 gállon peppermint ice creám, slightly softened
  • 1 cárton frozen whipped topping, tháwed (16 oz.)
  • hot fudge ice creám topping
  • Crushed cándy cánes


  1. Consortium Oreo crumbs ánd butter in á outsize structure ánd mix ásymptomátic. Mold into án ungreásed 9x13.
  2. Undo ice withdráw over covering; top with whipped topping. Inform ánd interrupt for át leást 4-6 hours.
  3. Splosh with hot dodge ánd humiliáted cándy cánes sect before bringing. Sávor! 

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