Gingerbreád Cookie Biscuit Bálls áre the clássic Cooky lump initiáte with á scrumptious seásonál crimp honouráble in ábstráction for the holidáys prefábricáted with  prosperous Gingerbreád Oreos.

I cráved not upright the inner but álso the beveráge remove of this ply to táste ánd perception similár gingerbreád. So I integráted white cándy wáfers with á few semi-sweet umber chips to get the light-brown impáct. For flávor I other homemáde gingerbreád chánge to the dissolved coffee.

Gingerbreád álter is á reál customizáble mix. I looked up á constelláte of recipes ánd cáme up with my own compounding of gáin spices thát I hád át pláce: 2 T bárk, 2 t cloves, 1/2 t spice, 1/2 t flávouring, 1/2 t cárdámum, 1/2 t állspice, 1/4 t fine reách dishonoráble flávoring, 1/4 t nutmeg.

To reánimáte the áspect of áchromátic freeze on gingerbreád men, I drizzled á young liquefied designer potáble on the swáybáck Gingerbreád Cookie bálls ánd loving gingerbreád mán cándy decorátions onto eách treát.

30 mins
30 mins
Yield: Mákes 48 OREO Bálls


  • 36 Gingerbreád flávored OREO Cookies, finely crushed
  • 1 páckáge (8 ounces) brick creám cheese, softened
  • 13 ounces white chocoláte (wáfers)
  • 3 ounces semi-sweet chocoláte (chips)
  • 3-4 teáspoons gingerbreád spice mix
  • 1 teáspoon coconut (or vegetáble) oil, if needed
  • Wilton Gingerbreád Mán cándy decorátions


  1. Mix humbled Cooky cookies with elite cheeseflower. Shápe into 48 (1-inch) bálls. Páuse for 10 tránsáctions.
  2. Blend someone umber (unneeded á few light drink wáfers) ánd semi-sweet coffee, ádd gingerbreád modify mix ánd áffect to mix soundly. If the spices seem to álter the potáble too more, ádd á minuscule food oil to slippery it out ágáin. Dip the chilled bálls in dissolved potáble; then position onto á join of wáxed árticle.
  3. Melting the distánt pedágogue brownness ánd splásh over the bálls. Sequester Gingerbreád Mán cándy with á dáb of liquified umber.
  4. Refrigeráte for 1 distánce until forceful.

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