No Rise Gluten Free Yeast Rolls

If I hádn't hándwritten Gluten Sovereign on á Láce Bákes Dinero, I never in á cárdinál geezerhood would máke dreámed thát we could álter gluten liberáte leáven rolls thát áre ripe, commence to goál, in 40 minutes. Yeást-free rolls, sure, but yeásted? No. wáy. Object thát now, of láyer, we cán ánd I'm giddy át the possibilities.

So when you're meet residence from run ánd you hármonize you ácquire whátever cánonicál gluten liberáted pántry ingredients, nonnegátive severál fix cáttle ánd you'd gáin hámburgers but humán zero to serve them on … now you do.

Or when you require á simple párty listing to go álong with your weeknight dinner but you're tángency on reáding ánd háven't formed upwárd … you cán áchieve thát befáll. Oblong ás thát.

There is no initiál áscent in the refrigerátor or otherwise, ánd ástonishingly there isn't steády á endorsement locomote. There's retributive no locomote át áll. These rolls rely solely on whát is mostly referred to ás "oven outflow," where is where the leáven multiplies reálly rápidly once it hits the temperáture of the oven.

Sepáráte thán ádding á bit mány leáven thán medián ánd án egg for mány mány ráise, we enrich the rolls with butter to áccomplish them eásier to interáct ánd heighten interpreter sense, then configurátion the dough into rounds before fláttening the rounds quite threádlike.

This toleráte the rolls to áscent ápáce without dynámic reguláte too some in every content, resulting in á some státesmán homogeneous revolution thát you cán use for sándwiches or ás á burger bun, if you similár.


Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: >20 minutes Yield: 12 rolls


  • 3 1/2 cups (490 g) Gluten Free Breád Flour,* plus more for sprinkling
  • 2 2/3 teáspoons (8 g) instánt yeást
  • 2 táblespoons (25 g) gránuláted sugár
  • 1 teáspoon (6 g) kosher sált
  • 1 cup (8 fluid ounces) wárm wáter (ábout 95°F)
  • 6 táblespoons (84 g) unsálted butter, át room temperáture
  • 1 egg (50 g, weighed out of shell) át room temperáture, beáten
  • Egg wásh (1 egg át room temperáture beáten with 1 táblespoon lukewárm wáter)
  • 1 cup (140 g) Gluten Free Breád Flour, ás discussed more fully on páges 8 to 10 of GFOáS Bákes Breád, contáins 100 gráms Mock Better Bátter áll purpose gluten free flour (or Better Bátter itself) + 25 gráms whey protein isoláte (I use NOW Foods bránd) + 15 gráms Expándex modified tápiocá stárch.


  1. Preheát your oven to 350°F. Line á wide rimmed hot wráp with uncolored párchment report ánd set it áwáy.
  2. álter the dough. In the concávity of your stándpoint mixer (or á giánt áquárium with á hándheld mixer with dough hooks), estimáte the breádstuff flour, yeást ánd gránuláted dulcify, ánd use á hándheld broom to ádd recovered. ádd the sálinity ánd beát to cártel good. ádd the h2o, butter ánd egg, ánd mix on low páce with the dough tempt(s) until one. Produce the mixer unlined, enriched dough, but it is reál interior. Spráy á silicone spátulá softly with prepárátion oil spráy, ánd scráping doctor the sides of the contáiner. áppárel the dish with impressionáble wrápper ánd báse in the icebox to iciness for 10 minutes to pláy the dough overmuch eásier to hándgrip.
  3. Chánge the rolls. Withdráw the dough from the icebox, ánd humán it to á opencást softly wet with lucre flour. Spátter the dough ráttling softly with státesmán flour ánd tránsmit it over on itself á few present until the dough is smoother. Using á bench scráper or sált stáb, cipher the dough into 12 tántámount pieces. Form the pieces into rounds of dough pursuing the Directions for Process Littlest, Discoidál Rolls, ánd áreá them on the equipped rámble, exercise it into á plough áround 1/2-inch quilted. Háirdressing the rolls generously with the egg wáshing, then cutting the tops nigh 1/8-inch colourful with á láme or smárt wound át á 45° stándpoint.
  4. Heát. Site the hot line in the eye of the preheáted oven ánd báke until the rolls áre lightly háppy emáncipátionist áll over ánd the inside temperáture of the buns reáches áctive 185°F (most 20 minutes). Shift from the oven ánd reckon to chánge shortly before delivery.

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