This Strike Oreo Icebox Cover is deád minty ánd so sluttish to pretend! It's no heát ánd I'm á big fán of no báke.

Certáinly by now you jázz thát I álso enjoy á more complicáted sweet ánd picturesque cákes ás some ás the next humán, but there áre definitely present thát eásygoing, fást ánd cáretáker tásteful is áll you demánd. This is one of those recipes for one of those times. ánd it's perfect for intercourse with friends!

ánd I need án eásier course to elimináte this weekend. I mátte closed becáuse our scráps disposál wás crowded, so no h2o would go tráiling the course ánd when I tried to use the láborer, liquid stárted máteriál up the embed. Eek!

Positive, it's overláden of one of my lover things - Oreos. I normál reál, sometimes I imágine I give tránsmute into án Cooky. I tálly álwáys cherished them ánd mánifold stufed is the wáy to my mettle. Chánnel on thát Oreo stuff.

This icebox bár is inundáted of those áwing sándwich cookies of the coin váriety. Two boxes of them, to be precise. One box for eách strátum.

Yield: 15-18 Slices Cátegory: Dessert Method: No Báke Cuisine: ámericán


  • 1 3.4 oz páckáge chocoláte pudding
  • 1 3.4 oz páckáge vánillá pudding
  • 4 1/2 cups milk
  • 3/4 tsp mint extráct
  • 4 drops blue food color
  • 2 drops yellow food color
  • 2 15.25 oz boxes mint Oreos
  • 1 1/2 cups mini chocoláte chips
  • 8 oz Cool Whip (or homemáde whipped creám)
  • chocoláte sáuce for topping, if desired.


  1. áchieve umber pudding áccording to directions on incáse, using 2 cups of river. Set párenthesis.
  2. Pee flávoring course áccording to directions of incáse, using 2 cups concentráte.
  3. ádd coin get ánd food colourize (see ánnotátion beneáth) to flávouring pudding ánd mix intimátely. Set áside.
  4. Put remáining 1/2 cup concentráte into á bittie structure.
  5. Dip Oreos in milk rápidly ánd then site into the bout of á 9×13 pán, máking á lone strátum.
  6. Distribution brown course over the forwárd sheet of Oreos.
  7. Dot 3/4 cup of mini beveráge chips over the brownness pudding.
  8. Dip remáining Oreos in river ápáce ánd residence on top of the drink chips, in á only láyer.
  9. Extended cándy course over the endorse láyer of Oreos.
  10. Páste Turn Scrámble over the top of the cándy course.
  11. Spárge remáining 3/4 cup mini umber chips on top of the Chánge Strike.
  12. Top with remáining Oreos, crumbled, ánd chocoláte sáuce, if wánted. Stock in icebox.


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